
Support and background material

Explore historical information, biographies and videos (other resources coming soon).

Showing 9 resources
Early Flight

This short video shows how the role of aircraft changed as the war progressed.

The Battle of Britain

This short video shows how this pivotal four-month battle could not have been won without the early warning from radar and the diverse men and women of the RAF.


This short video explores how the codebreakers of Bletchley Park broke the German Enigma machine encryption during the Second World War.


This short video explores relief operations that the RAF have been involved in.

The Jet Age & Helicopters

This short video outlines some key technical information about modern military aircraft and their development.

Reconnaissance: The Cold War

This short video looks at how the UK used aerial reconnaissance and other forms of surveillance to help prevent the Cold War developing into full-scale armed conflict.

Operation Black Buck

This short video provides an overview of Operation Black Buck.

Medical Evacuation

This short video outlines the part the RAF have played - and continue to play - in bringing injured soldiers to medical help.

Balanced flight: RAF100 glider

The RAF100 glider is designed to illustrate one of the challenges facing early aircraft designers: how to keep an aircraft steady in flight. The video shows how to build and balance a glider.  Teachers can download the full STEM activity and extension material in the activities section: Origins and Aircraft...